Table of Contents
Firmly on the Ground of the Hyper-Real, Yet Floating in the Air:
Young Romanian Poets Now
Alex Văsieș
The Gardener's Joy
"I trust I make myself obscure”
Florentin Popa
stardate 23081986
thou shalt piss thine pants
the solitude of stara planina
Livia Ştefan
born in ’82
there’s always room
Marius Conkan
On where the raspberry was burnt
Matei Hutopila
summer kitchen
jesus matei hutopila
Medeea Iancu
Teodora Coman
a dispatcher
Adam J. Sorkin has published more than fifty books of translation, and his work has won the 2005 Poetry Society (U.K.) Prize for European Poetry Translation as well as the International Quarterly Crossing Boundaries Award, the Kenneth Rexroth Memorial Translation Prize, the Ioan Flora Prize for Poetry Translation, and the Poesis Translation Prize, among others. His mostrecent publications include A Sharp Double-Edged Luxury Object by Rodica Draghincescu (translated with Antuza Genescu), Červená Barva Press, 2014; Gold and Ivy/Aur și iederă by George Vulturescu (translated with Olimpia Iacob), Eikon, 2014; The Starry Womb by Mihail Gălățanu (translated with Petru Iamandi and the author), Diálogos Books, 2014; and The Book of Anger by Marta Petreu (translated with Christina Zarifopol-Illias and Liviu Bleoca), also Diálogos Books, 2014. Sorkin is Distinguished Professor of English, Penn State Brandywine
Daniel Ursache is an illustrator, painter, printmaker and graphic designer. He was born in Romania, but has lived in Montréal since 2004. He has exhibited his work in Canada, Romania, Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland, Germany and Italy.
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